The Paint Best Paint Colors for Exterior Painting in Prosper TX

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The Paint Best Paint Colors for Exterior Painting in Prosper TX

The Paint Best Paint Colors for Exterior Painting in Prosper TX


Choosing the finest colors for exterior painting in Prosper TX can be a complex task. An exterior paint job is one of the few paint job types that require the most paint and it greatly impacts the entire look of an estate thus it is important to choose a tone properly. When we apply a bad tone to our exterior surfaces, this can be an eyesore. Allow the professionals at Genaro’s Painting to guide you on choosing the best shades.

If you wish to select the best color for your home’s façade, then here is what you need to know about exterior painting in Prosper TX:

  • Think of the Rule of Three- Your home is composed of three colors. The three main colors are the base, the accent, and the trim. The base color is the principal tone of the entire estate, the accent tone is what you paint your windows, doors, and other small areas in, and finally, the trim is for just that, trims and edges.
  • Think of the Elements- Keep architectural elements in mind when trying to decide what color you will paint your surface in. Select a color that will bring unity to your roof, driveway walkways, and etc. Making sure that the tone that you select does not clash with these factors is fundamental.
  • Think of the Style of Your Estate- Whenever you are considering an exterior paint job, do not forget to think about in which era your estate was built. Some tones will not look good on a particular home style; an example of that would be a bright yellow tone in a federal style estate.

Plan for your exterior painting in in Prosper TX. Get in touch with the professionals at Genaro’s Painting today so we can get started. We will make sure that your exterior paint job looks spectacular through the years.


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